Aries in Third House::Sahaj Bhava in Vedic Astrology

Continuing form the previous post in which we discussed what effects are produced when Mesha Rasi or Aries occupies the Second House or Dhana Bhava in Vedic Astrology, in this post we will discuss what are the effects when Aries lords the Third house.

The Third House is also known as Sahaj Bhava and  represents siblings,efforts,courage,short journeys,loss of mother,wife’s fortune, elder brother’s children and one’s longevity and vitality.It also represents the throat,neck,arms and right ear from the physical perspective. Houses are also known as Bhavas in jyotisha.Bhava means feeling and in short it represents what kind of feelings the native will have towards a particualr area of life denoted by the particular house of bhava. Since the eight bhava is responsible for the longevity and vitality of the native, the 3rd house being the 8th to the 8th house , also denotes the longevity and thus directly influences the vitality of the native.

When Aries or Mesha Rashi occupies the third house/sahaj bhava , the natives 3rd house affairs will don the qualites of Mars , as Mangal is the ruler of Aries. The native will hot and harsh in temperament , be courageous, fiery and will always undertake short journeys and be on the move. The native’s younger brothers will be be very wealthy or extremely poor depending on the avastha of Mars in the horoscope.The native will not suffer from manglik dosha as Mars is not related to the 7th house of marriage.The native’s wife will find fortune in foreign lands and the brothers will also benefit from east direction.For Aquarius ascendant , Mars is lord of 3rd house and Since lagna lord Saturn does not like Mars , the native will not be particularly affectionate towards his younger siblings.Since the sahaj bhava is also the 6th from the 10th house of profession , the native will have high zeal and will be very proactive in removing obstacles and fighting enemies for advancement in career. The 3rd house is also an upchaya for the 10th house and an auspicious influence on the 3rd house denotes constant improvement in career.

Since Aries is a movable sign , and the 3rd house is the 11th from the 5th house , the native will gain by chanting short and high energy mantras. The updaesha from the guru may be recieved in a foreign land. Since Aries is a prishtodaya rasi , experiences related to third house will manifest late in life.

These qualities and attributes of Aries lording the third house may get modified , it planets join or aspect Mars or occupy / aspect the third house.

The next post will describe the effects when Aries lords the fourth house or bhava.

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  1. Pingback: Aries in Second House::Dhana Bhava in Vedic Astrology | Kosmic Effect

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